Ask the Pastor on Periscope

Last autumn I started broadcasting on Periscope a couple of time a week, with the title "Ask the Pastor".

They were quite popular broadcasts with people from all over the world tuning in sharing greetings, prayer requests and posing a wide range of questions from matters of faith through politics, sports and general information about living in the UK.

A period of illness at the end of the year meant I stopped broadcasting and kinda got out of the habit.

I'm happy to say, in response to several requests, the broadcasts are back.

I'm aiming to broadcast weekly, and in the first instance it's most likely to be on Fridays at around 4pm UK time, that's 10am CST in the USA.

If you aren't able to join me live, then please feel free to leave questions in the comments here then watch the broadcasts later on this link to my periscope profile.

Or alternatively you can tweet questions to me on twitter where I am @baptistjon and I'll include them in the broadcast

If you do use periscope, please follow me there too and I'll follow back - I'd love to get a glimpse into your world!


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