Baptists on Twitter, part 1

Here's the first instalment of the list of Baptist Tweeters. We're starting with the UK, which should take some time, then we'll add some international Baptist tweeters too.

If you're in the UK, and a Baptist Tweeter, please comment on this to add your name and twitter handle. It's be helpful to know where you're from too. My hope is that folks will use these lists to connect more with fellow Baptists, to hear together and from each other what's happening across the union and the nation.

Here's the first 50, the links have all been tested, more to come soon!

Keith Osmund-Smith (Madely BC, Telford) @TelfordChaplain
Ali Boulton (Whichelstowe, Swindon) @RevAliBoulton
Marcus Scotney (Dumfries BC) @marcusscotney
David Kerrigan (BMS World Mission) @DavidKerrigan3
Neil Roberts (Chelmsley Wood BC, Birmingham) @CeolmundW
Juliet Kilpin (Urban Expression) @JulietKilpin
Keith Tarring (Camrose BC, Edgeware) @KeithTarring
Steve Chalke (Oasis/Faithworks/Stop the Traffik) @SteveChalke
Jonathan Somerville (Tabernacle BC Wolverhampton) @baptistjon
Marcus Dickinson (Godalming BC ) @MDRev
Urban Expression @urbanshalom
Marg Hardcastle (Stoke Baptist Centre) @MargHardcastle
Rowena Wilding (Edgeside BC, Rossendale) @rowenawilding
Glen Marshall (Northern Baptist Learning Community) @theglenmarshall
Malcolm Duncan (Gold Hill BC) @MalcolmJDuncan
Pete James (St Thomas, Sheffield) @petejamesmusic
Ricky Rew (Spurgeon BC, Bletchley ) @RickyRew
Anthony Gill (Chase Cross BC, Romford) @RevAGill
Mark Jennings (Pershore BC, Worcestershire) @pershorepastor
Adrian Argile (Regional Minister in HEBA) @AdeArgile
David Lewis (Hutton & Shenfield Union Church, Brentwood, Essex)) @deiknuo
Malcolm Patten (Walthamstow) @revdmally
Simon Jones (Bromley BC) @bromleyminister
Sam Griffiths (Wellington BC, Somerset ) @samthevicar
Phil Barnard (Mitcham Lane BC, Streatham) @SynthManiac
Andrew Openshaw (New Mill BC, Tring) @andrewjopenshaw
Robert Parkinson (Didsbury BC) @RobParkinsonDBC
Peter Spence (Warley BC) @Peterthepastor
Chris Duffett (The Light Project) @RevDuffett
Peter Dominey (Church from Scratch, Southend / Incarnate Network) @peterdominey
John Wood (Newport Baptist Church, Shropshire) @johnswood
Oliver Deeks (Tabernacle BC Wolverhampton) @SkeedR
David Judkins (Andover BC) @davidjudkins
Andy Scott (Hanbury Hill BC, Stourbridge) @AndyBaptist
BMS World Mission @BMSWorldMission
Nick Lear (Colechester BC) @nicklear
David Fleming (Abingdon BC, Oxfordshire) @DavidofAbingdon
Ian Bunce (BUGB Mission Dept) @ianbunce
Jon Stannard (viz-a-viz / West Leigh BC, Leigh on Sea) @JonStannard
Darren Pike (Eastwood BC, Leigh on Sea) @darrenpike
Adam Eakins (Broadmead BC, Northampton) @adameakins
Neil Brighton (Poynton BC) @NeilBrighton
David Hughes (Paignton BC) @BaptistPilgrim
Bob Almond (Kirby Muxloe Free Church) @revbobuk
Pete Leveson (South Norwood BC) @peteleve
Chris Hall (BU Communications Editor) @Chrishallnewb
Graham Doel (Woodley BC, Berkshire) @graham_doel
Jo Regan (New BC, Burton on Trent) @RevdJo
Nicola Bates (Emsworth BC) @summasolitus
Tim Presswood (Openshaw Baptist Tabernacle, Manchester)@wierdostomps


Unknown said…
Follow #scotbap12 for more
Chris Priddy said…
Rev. Chris Priddy. Youth Specialist with Swindon Youth for Christ - @chrispriddy
Geoff Cook said…
Geoff Cook, Faversham BC - @revgeoffcook
nahidworld said…
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