Praying about Tab & Broad Street

Here at Tab we're praying about our closer working relationship with another church in the city. In our March Church Meeting we hope to be coming to some conclusions about the shape of the way forward. Please would you join with us in praying about this. Merging two congregations isn't an easy thing to do, but if it's what God has for us, then we'll glady embrace it!

The Leadership Team at Tab is encouraging prayer using the following points as a guide, a starting place. 

We're asking folks to pray especially each Tuesday, and join with others as we also fast on 7th Feb and 6th March. We will also provide one Saturday morning and two evening seminars to discuss the vision

Please Pray:
For our brothers and sisters at Church @ Broad St.

About our own desire to be a church for both Whitmore Reans, and the whole City of Wolverhampton

That there’d be a strong Christian presence and voice in the City Centre

That we’d have wisdom to make the most of a valuable resource for the Kingdom of God

For the balancing of our current needs, and future vision and hopes

That we’d focus on the lasting legacy we’ll leave, rather than temporary honour and glory


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