Touching Heaven, Changing Earth

Our Week of Prayer is here, with themes of confession, repentance, renewal, revival. We're referring to 2 Chronicles 7, and using that great reply of God as a basis for much of what we share, as well as praying over the wide range of activities and interests of the church here.

This morning we had 10 hardy souls brave the very icy conditions for a time built around Morning Prayer from the Northumbria Community.

Today at 13.00-14.00 we'll be focussing on prayer for our Children's ministries. Included in the topics we pray for will be:
  • Thanksgiving for growth in numbers and spiritual growth in all sections of Children's work on Sundays (Bubbles, JAM and Sprouts)
  • Prayers for expansion of our outreach i.e Stay and Play, Messy church, a possible youth house group, links to local schools etc.
  • Prayer for leaders, especially those starting this term and for new leaders to be called to work in Sprouts and new areas of work.
This evening we'll be meeting from 19.30-21.00 with a focus on the music, arts and creative ministries within the church. Alongside some interactive prayer stations we'll also be praying together for:
  • Music group: sustained/deepened relationships, new members
  • Notice board/display: volunteers to present displays/generate ideas
  • Use of poetry, prose writing in gathered (and personal) worship
  • Drama in gathered worship
  • Special occasions: Choir(s) Leaders and volunteers.
  • Openness to God speaking/leading in gathered worship
  • Website: For the designers and those who make contributions.
  • Visual/3D art/media in gathered worship and around the church building
If you can join us, then please do, if you're unable then please pray for us anyway, we'd really appreciate it.


Paul Giggz said…
You say you took the Red Pill but you Worship Jesus how does that Work?
Jonathan said…
You know the analogy from the Matrix Movies? Neo takes the red pill and goes on a journey of enlightment and realisation of truth.

I called the blog this for two reasons, firstly because I started the blog at a time when I was about to embark on a new way of being involved in Christian ministry, and secondly because I think it's a nice metaphor for those who follow Jesus, they've made a choice, like Neo, that there can be no going back from, once one has tasted of the heavenly goodness it is impossible to pretend one hasn't.

I'd say that as a Jesus-follower, I've made a choice, and in doing so have opened up a new reality, a new me, that gives daily enlightment and adventure.

Grace and peace

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