Here is Hope

Last Friday, my wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, Hope.

Thanks for all your prayers, she delivered at home, in a birthing pool, and both of them are doing really well, if very sleepy.

Our son is adjusting well to the presence of an even littler one, and is going to be a wonderful big brother.

I'm taking a couple of weeks paternity leave, so won't be around churchworld much, but there are some reflections I want to share about midwives as a picture of church, and about the appropriateness of a baptist minister's daughter being born into water!

The details...7lb 13oz, born at 10.05am, labour lasted 14 hours. And here's a pic of some skin-to-skin time we enjoyed last night.


Anonymous said…
Hi Jonathan, we passed briefly at the cafe church event in Welwyn the other week, it was good to see you again, I think Oxford was the last time we met at one of the NAM's events - Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, lovely picture, hope you have a great few weeks paternity leave.

Marcus Dickinson
graham old said…
Great news, mate! Congratulations to you both.

Glad to hear that everything went okay.

Hope is a great name, btw.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations - she's gorgeous :)

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