
Showing posts from May, 2008

Revival loot

So, if you go to a revival meeting and get gold dust, or a heavenly gem, or a promise of oodles of cash, here is a (fairly graphic) video that might give you some idea of why God made you wealthy. I'm serious, collect that gold dust up and sell it - God's people need the money. And a ht to Lev for the link.

An outpouring on outpourings

I guess many of us will have been looking with a mix of interest, curiosity, hope, bewilderment and maybe amusement at the events taking place in a conference centre in Lakeland, Florida, USA. For a few of weeks now, nightly “Revival” meetings have been taking place there, led by Todd Bentley. A google or youtube search on “Florida Outpouring” will give you a flavour of what's been happening. There are now reports of a “Dudley Outpouring” as well as others around the globe as leaders who have seen what’s been happening (normally on or the God Channel on satellite) go to Florida and bring back what they have “caught”, and impart it to the folks at home. So, what to make of this? I’ve been asked for my reflections by a few folks, possibly because when the Toronto Blessing movement was at its height in the UK I was involved with a ministry (that I deeply appreciate and love) that sought to introduce people to what God might have been doing in that time. As I reflect on those...

Baptist Assembly 2008, Blackpool

I'm in Blackpool for the long weekend. It's the annual Baptist Assembly, where the Baptist Union of Great Britian and BMS World Mission gather together for a time of celebration, encouragement, sharing news and making decisions about our future together. I love the Assembly. It's a chance to catch up with old friends, remind ourselves of why we do what we do, and for me it's a place to have a bit of fun. This year I'm co-hosting a late-night chat show with a friend, Juliet Kilpin. Last night's show was a good start, despite some sound and light issues that we hope will be resolved today. We had some good guests being interviewed, introduced our mascot, Embly the Bapist Ass (see what we did there...) and had ELVIS!!! It was a very Blackpool start to the shows.